I haven’t even finished watching Season 2 of You yet and folks are already talking about Season 3? Jeezus! Slow TF down already! Let me catch up first. Lol However, Penn (who stars as Joe in Netflix’s You series) may have accidentally confirmed there will be a You Season 3, although he didn’t mention an official release date.
But since there are folks out there just as crazy as Joe who swear they work for the FBI, I guess there’s an estimated release date?
Look, I dunno, but here’s everything I DO know.
Penn Badgley Accidentally “Confirmed” You Season 3
According to Teen Vogue,
“When the former Gossip Girl star sat down for a chat with Entertainment Tonight to discuss all things You, he had a major oops moment. At one point, Penn was asked about Victoria Pedretti’s character and what he thought of her inclusion in Joe’s world.
We’ll steer clear of spoilers for those still watching, but in the interview, Penn touched briefly on what happened in the second season. Just as he began to contemplate what might happen next, saying, “Dare I say, I think in the third season,” he stopped, catching himself. Rolling his eyes, he said, “Oh, god.”
Caught in the accidental slip, Penn was asked to explain further about a possible return of the series. Unfortunately, he couldn’t share anything more, saying, “I literally know nothing about the third season.” He joked that he could “unofficially” confirm a return, but acknowledged, “I’m not the person that can say anything official.” So there we have it, a third season of You is “unofficially” coming to Netflix.” Full Teen Vogue article here.
You Season 3 Release Date
According to Harper’s Baazar,
“As reported by Deadline, a potential third season of You was awarded $7.213 million in the latest round of California tax credits recipients. While this isn’t a definitely renewal, it means that the production company is eyeing the location, and getting finances in place. Basically, it’s looking very promising right now.” Full Harper’s Baazar article here.
And the folks over at inews.co.uk think that,
“The third season of Netflix’s You will be released on Friday 9 April 2021. That’s according to i’s calculations at least; as a third season of You hasn’t been confirmed yet, we can only speculate on when we might get to see the next instalment of the show.
There were 473 days between the debut of the first season and that of the second, so assuming Netflix follows the same pacing in the release of Season 3, we could expect it to launch a similar of number of days following Season 2. 473 days from Boxing Day 2019 is Monday 12 April 2021, and since Netflix’s big series usually drop on Fridays, Friday 9 April 2021 seems to be the best bet.” Full article here.
Personally, I just wanna finish season 2. Lol I can’t speculate cause I’m never good at guessing anything. However, if there’s gonna be a Season 3, then great! (I’ll probably be more excited once I’ve finished season 2. Lol)
Are you excited for You Season 3?
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[…] Penn Badgley (Joe / Will, Whatever You Wanna Call Him) Accidentally “Confirmed” You Will… […]