What It Was Like Meeting The Fighting With My Family Cast

by Shaye Wyllie
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A few days ago, I got to meet the Fighting With My Family cast, director, and Paige thanks to Annapurna Pictures, after screening the movie, which was awesome by the way. (You can check out my review of the movie here.) This was my first Press Junket of the year, so hopefully there will be many more to come! That’s if I didn’t blow my chances for future junkets thanks to my shy side kicking in. Lol

For some reason, the layout of the room threw me off, and made it harder for me to ask the questions I spent ALL night planning. I mean, I even asked friends for help with these questions, and I still didn’t open my mouth to say not one? Lol Sigh!

But to be honest, sitting in the back row behind other bloggers and having to scream over their heads isn’t my forte! Hell, I just learned how to walk around at a big event alone, and to squeeze myself into little spots to “fight” for good pictures amongst a sea of “real” journalists at The New York International Auto Show last year. Lol (Read about that crazy experience here.) So having to scream over others hasn’t been learned yet. Lol I promise you I’ll learn it by the end of this year though! This will NOT happen again. Lol

But lucky for me, everyone that did talk up, asked all the questions I wanted to ask. Okay, almost all of them! Lol I had a few unanswered questions, one of which I got to ask a few days later during a Twitter Chat with the Fighting With My Family cast and WWE Divas Champion (who’s life this movie is based on) Paige, so all is well! Lol

What It Was Like Meeting The Fighting With My Family Cast, Director And Paige, WWE Divas Champion

But before I tell you what we discussed at the press junket, can I just say that movie director (and writer) Stephen Merchant is tall AF?! Jeez! Lol Sorry I had to get that out. I don’t think I’ve stood to anyone that tall before. Who the hell am I kidding! Did I really just say “I don’t think”? Lol Sorry, I KNOW I’ve never stood next to anyone that tall before. Or I probably wouldn’t be mentioning it right now. Lol But yah, carry on!

We … sorry they … talked to the cast, Paige and director about what it was like making Fighting With My Family (remember I just sat and watched like a coward, lol) and it was awesome to see how much they really enjoyed making this movie. I mean, not everyone LOVES their job, right? Lol But Nick Frost, who played Paige’s dad in the movie, sure does! When talking about the film, Nick mentioned that he got handmade wrestling boots which was incredible to him because he always loved the boots!

What It Was Like Meeting The Fighting With My Family Cast, Director And Paige, WWE Divas Champion

Funny enough, this sounds like something I’d totally be excited about too! Sometimes it’s the little things that really make us happy.

Like for instance, getting to actually TRAIN at the NXT, like Florence (who played Paige in the movie) and Jack (who played Paige’s brother, Zak. both pictured below) did in preparation for this movie! Florence states that, “[from] the moment [they] got the job [they] had a breakfast with Stephen, where he let [them] know that he wanted [them] to wrestle as much as possible”. This meant that they’d be doing some of their own stunts, and Florence actually had to wrestle in front of a live audience!

Florence mentioned that this was very scary for her because “[she] would come out and [the crowd] would be really confused whether they should be cheering or booing at [her]”. Lol She also states that it was “totally bizarre to go out as someone that people adore because they get really depressed it’s not them”. Which I can totally understand!

Imagine going to a concert, then hearing a Beyonce song come on and thinking she’s about to come out, to find out it’s only Jacquees! Lol Yup! Uproar! So you can imagine what that was like for Florence! But I think she did an AMAZING job! I really felt connected to this story with the way they portrayed each character. It was amazing!

What It Was Like Meeting The Fighting With My Family Cast, Director And Paige, WWE Divas Champion

And the way Florence and Jack worked with each other so effortlessly, or at least that’s what it looked like from my end, was great! Jack did say Florence had this “smackability” about her that made him just want to wrestle her all the time. Lol I mean, if that doesn’t scream big brother to you I don’t know what does! Lol And since Jack has a younger brother of his own, I’m pretty sure his little brother really gets this movie! LOL I wouldn’t be surprised if he watched it thinking “better her than me”. Lol

However, it’s quite comforting to know that Jack Lowden wasn’t always this big, so maybe his little brother didn’t suffer too much at home? Lol Jack mentioned that he “[had] about six [to] seven weeks to put on as much weight as possible in size and muscle. [He] trained twice a day and ate four or five meals a day to get big”. Or at least as big as he could get. Lol

We also talked to WWE Divas Champion, Paige, during the press junket who mentioned that the Fighting With My Family cast did such a wonderful job that she kept forgetting this was her story! I asked Paige during the Fighting With My Family’s Twitter chat a few days after the junket if there was anything she’d change about the movie, and here’s her response below.

If you think THIS was funny, wait until you watch the movie! (They’re really like this though most of it!) All in all, this movie was absolutely wonderful and even though I didn’t open my big mouth to ask any questions during the press junket it was really nice being able to hear everyone talk about the movie! I always LOVE hearing what it’s really like during the production stages, so I hope I can cover more of this throughout the year.

At the end of the junket, we all got to take photos with the cast, director and Paige, and my daughter is STILL jealous. Lol This little 6 yr old fell in LOVE with Paige after watching the movie! It’s so cute. (Be warned though the movie is rated PG 13. But in my review, which you can read by clicking this link, I mention why it’s still worth taking the kids!) So make sure you check it out!

What It Was Like Meeting The Fighting With My Family Cast, Director And Paige, WWE Divas Champion

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