How Are Y’all Watching This Shit? I Couldn’t Even Watch More Than 5 Mins Of “Too Hot To Handle”

by Shaye Wyllie
3 comments 973 views

When I saw Netflix had a new reality series coming called Too Hot To Handle, I knew it wasn’t gonna be my cup of tea, but that I’d watch it to review it for you guys!

I figured if I got through Love is Blind and The Circle, two Netflix reality series that I absolutely LOVED, that I could get through Too Hot To Handle and join in on the discussions! (Even if I already knew from just looking at the description and cover photo on Netflix’s “Coming Soon” tab that I would hate this. Lol)

I mean, it’s already currently number 5 on Netflix’s Top 10 list and the shit just came out yesterday! Lol Which I KNEW was gonna happen, so I added it to my Watch List, to jump on this early.

But I wasn’t mentally prepared for the cringeworthy fuckery I was gonna have to endure in the first few minutes of this show and I did something I normally don’t do when reviewing a show! I bailed! Lol

But not before gathering enough notes to write this post! So here’s my review of Netflix’s new reality series, Too Hot To Handle, as well as all of the thoughts that went through my head while watching it.

Related: Here’s My Theory On Why Carlton From Love is Blind Exploded

Too Hot To Handle “Review”

netflix too hot to handle review

3 minutes and 26 seconds into Too Hot To Handle and I was convinced I’d throw up if I kept watching it any further!

I was literally cringing at every word and DYING to hit the exit button! But I forced myself to keep watching, and then about 2 minutes later I called it quits.

If this is any representation of how well I’d do being tortured by terrorists, then allow me to be the first to apologize to my country now, cause I’m snitching like a motherf*cker if that’s what it’s gonna take for the torture to end!

I just can’t!

Related: If You Watched The Circle On Netflix, Then You Have To See These Memes

I couldn’t watch more than 5 mins!

Once I got to 5 minutes, I turned this shit right off! I don’t even care who else is on this shit! Lol Y’all can have this one! This ain’t for me. I’ll suffer through BlackAF boring-ass before I watch another minute of this! I’m good love.

Too Hot To Handle is draining! And it’s soooo sad. I’ve never been the “focused on sex” type and I don’t find this show funny or shocking at all.

Ditzy people (she said it, not me) ain’t my thing! I don’t laugh at how stupid people are, I run! Lol (And I don’t EVER run.) 

So I’m over this!

The Circle and Love Is Blind were great! But this shit? Nah!

I can’t keep watching this!

Related: Listen, Sign Me Up For The Circle On Netflix Please! This Shit Mixxy On God And I Love It

too hot to handle review

Also, I don’t know who this girl is. I didn’t get that far. Lol

Thoughts While Watching …

Am I just watching this just to see the ocean? Lol 

None of these people look tempting!

So they can’t f*ck or kiss and that’s a problem? This is what’s wrong with society!!

I don’t even wanna watch this shit now, cause this is just stupid.

Too bad I’m not skinny enough or hot enough for this so I could go make some easy ass money.  

Hook up culture is soooo strange to me.

But y’all really gotta bribe people with money to NOT have sex with someone they consider hot?

Like maybe if this was to not have sex with my boyfriend or husband … then Houston we have a problem. Lmaoooo But strangers? Yeah, nah!

How bout we throw couples together on a nice vacation and see how THEYYYYY end up! Like that, I could watch! Then it becomes a .. is your entire marriage / relationship based on just sex or do y’all actually love each other … reality show and I’d be down for that. lol 

But for me to not hook up with some dude I don’t care for? Just because he’s hot? (Which none of these dudes are hot enough for me to even consider f*cking by the way, even if you paid me to! Lol)

Hard pass!

This is like a bad attempt at Love is Blind. But only it’s the reverse? Where Love is Blind says you can’t see them, so you can make meaningful connections … Too Hot To Handle says yeah you CAN see everyone, but you can’t have sex with them, can you still make a meaningful connection? Lol

Poor things! Lmaoooo Is it really that hard?? But I guess when you thrive on sex and cute faces and nice bodies that’ll happen to ya right?

Ugh, this is so annoying to watch!

Omg so on top of it all they’re also dumb? Jeezus f*cking christ I can’t! She really f*cking said she was ditzy! Like she proudly and willingly offered up that tidbit about herself!? Lol 

I’m cringing through this. I rather watch Tiger King.

I’ll even watch Jersey Shore over this shit son.

O M F G!!! ALL OF THIS SAID and I’ve only watched 3:36 minutes of this shit it hasn’t even been a full 5 mins!!!! 

I have no clue what her name is, this first girl, but I mean she seems like she’s really sweet and would be a great friend despite being ditzy! Lol Ok so her name is Chloe. 

American Black boy from Jersey (of course lol) whose name is Sharron, pronounced sharr-on, not like Sharon. K? Lol

He’s also a feminist … gagging … you know what they say about people who have to tell us that kind of stuff right? K, carry on.

Wow, you see! He studied women and gender studies and what does he say right after saying that and laughing about it? That if you pay attention you learn how to pick up women! UGH!

Also, the thing he’s most proud of is his penis and there’s a picture of it next to an air fresher can? Sir, you’re SO dull I don’t even care if you f*ck good at this point!

Man get this shit off my f*cking phone!!! 

Ughhhhh! How much more of this can I take? I guess I should meet allll the people? 

Honestly, this is literally torture for me. I’m just gonna turn it off now.

And then I turned it TF off. Lol

I couldn’t keep watching that, I’m sorry. It’s just not for me

Related: Try Not To Spit Your Drink Out While Scrolling Through These Love is Blind Memes

P.s – I made a ton of my friends watch this too so I could laugh at their reactions!

So I’m gonna post those reactions in a bit! Lol But if you’re wondering, yes, they’re just as funny, if not even funnier, than my reaction above! Lol

However, I do recognize that there are crazy people out there that will probably enjoy this stuff, like some of my friends who are STILL watching it now. Lol So by all means, don’t let me stop you from watching this! Lol

I had a few friends already say they’re hooked! And while I’m currently contemplating on if I should continue our relationship moving forward, after Corona ends, at least I know I’ve done my “job” and influenced them to watch something new this week. Right? Lol Silver lining people! Silver lining. Lol

Click here to watch Too Hot To Handle on Netflix.

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too hot to handle review

P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the share button below so your friends can read this awesome post as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. So gon’ and tell me how you REALLY feel! Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There are lots of suggestions below!

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