So a few days ago, I watched Seriously Single, a new movie on Netflix, and loved it.
If you’re not sure what Seriously Single is about, it’s a new comedy film about two best friends, Dineo (Fulu Mugovhani) and Noni (Tumi Morake). While Dineo’s free-living bestie Noni urges her to embrace singlehood, the social media expert craving commitment can’t stop following the life of a former love.
It’s a super cute comedy film, and I absolutely loved it. So …
Here Are 14 Thoughts I Had While Watching Seriously Single On Netflix
1. Oh, this is already cute and I just turned it on. It’s shot really well.
2. I already love HER!
3. The white boss fake speaking African is just. *side eye* Man already got a warning for cultural appropriation and still acting a fool.
4. Oh hell no! She’s about to live stream this shit! OMG! It’s about to go down!
5. What is sis DOING?! She drunk, huh?
6. Omgggggg! She was dancing like THAT at an office party?
7. This definitely shows us the microaggressions Black women face in the workplace.
8. I love that this reminds us that love comes when we stop looking for it.
9. I’m definitely Dineo. I wanna be boo’d up but with the right person. I’m not with the one night stands and weird dates.
10. I like the switch between the two languages.
11. This also touches on cheating, and what it’s like to be single with parents who have extremely high expectations and think women should be married, which I love.
12. First of all is he single? ‘Cause he is foine as hell!
13. Why do men do this bullshit?!! F*ck up and then try to get her back! Like no sir, you already lost her because you were stupid, you don’t need a second chance.
14. I love the way this ended!
But yeah, that’s pretty much what went through my head while watching this.
Have you watched it yet? If not …
Awww thank you!!! It's so good!!