6 Questions I Have Now That I’ve Watched WandaVision Episode 3 On Disney Plus

by Shaye Wyllie
wandavision questions episode 3

Listen Linda, this new Marvel series is a blend of classic television and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany), two super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives, begin to suspect that something is wrong.

Episode 1 and 2 of Wandavision gave me “Honeymooner” vibes, (yes that old a** black and white tv show you probably watched alongside “I Love Lucy” years ago as a kid, and you can read my full review of both episodes here. However, after watching episode 3 of WandaVision I have questions!

So Here Are 6 Questions I Have After Watching WandaVision Episode 3

Note: There are spoilers below for those who haven’t already watched WandaVision ep 3.

wandavision disney plus posterwandavision disney plus posterwandavision disney plus poster

1. Was this episode a nod to the Brady Bunch?

My memory sucks, so I couldn’t remember, but it felt like the Brady Bunch! I’m not crazy right?

2. Why would Vision ask the doctor how she got pregnant?

First of all, why is he even asking this damn doctor questions about her pregnancy like they’re normal and like he’s supposed to know how she magically looks 4 months pregnant after 12 hours? Just why!?

3. Anyone else thought it was very white, I mean cute, that they let the butterflies out the window?

I know it’s my petty speaking when I say this … but wypipo use every chance they get to remind us that they love animals more than they love us and it makes me sick! Like them butterflies coulda stayed in the house, but nope, they just had to be set free! Okay then.

4. Also, did the bird shake her magic off?

What the hell was going on? I feel like Wanda kept trying to get rid of the bird, but the bird kept shaking it off!

Was that just because her magic was weak?

5. Are they gonna remember all of this in episode 4?

I kept finding it sooo weird that Monica (that’s what I’m calling her now that we know everything else is basically a cover) was so calm when she saw what was happening!

For someone who wasn’t supposed to know magic, she sure was calm while Wanda gave birth. So I’m guessing everyone is gonna remember what happened? Even though in episode 1 and 2 it seemed like everyone would just forget what had happened.

6. Why is Agnes the only one complaining?

When she asked if Monica was in the house, and started whispering to Herb my spidey senses immediately started tingling!

I keep getting this weird feeling that she’s not as great as she seems. But I guess we’ll see what happens next in episode 4!

If you have any other questions about episode 3 of WandaVision you need answers to drop them in the comments and we’ll see what happens in episode 4 together!

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