nick jr made by maddie

Damn Son, Did Nick Jr. Rip Off Matthew A. Cherry’s Hair Love To Create Their New Show ‘Made By Maddie’?

by Shaye Wyllie
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I’m cringing right now son! Like seriously! With all the shit that’s happened this year, I’m really concerned right now. I just got home awhile ago and a friend of mine sent me THIS tweet below. Had you seen this first image on its own, like she did, you’d probably be super excited about the new Nick Jr show, Made By Maddie, which features a very Black family.

I know you see them dreads!

I know you see that kinky hair!

And so did Matthew A. Cherry!

However, if you also saw Matthew A. Cherry’s Hair Love short film awhile back, or read his very popular Hair Love book, you may see one too many similarities within these photos.

Not only do both families have a dad with dreads, a mom with kinky hair, a cute daughter with a pink ribbon in her hair. They also have a cat, AND the same color schemes!

I guess Nick Jr thought why fix what ain’t broken right? Or hell, why think of something new when we can just steal it from the Black dude and claim it as ours, right?!

Now look … to know me is to KNOW that I love me some Nickelodeon. I’ve been a Nick fan since I was a kid. I covered their Nickelodeon SlimeFest festival last year with my daughter and got slimed for the first time!

(Check it out here on Instagram!)

I’m dying to go to their Nickelodeon Resort, and I still watch Nick shows with a smile on my face, whether my kid is present or not. But let’s call a spade a spade here. There are WAY too many similarities here for you to NOT say Made by Maddie wasn’t inspired by Hair Love.

And folks on Twitter definitely noticed …

Oh and according to The Wrap, “The production company behind Nick Jr.’s upcoming series “Made by Maddie” has issued a statement denying that the preschool series is copying Matthew A. Cherry’s “Hair Love.”

So what did the production company have to say about this?

Apparently … “Silvergate Media has been working on the series for the last five years and throughout the production has taken steps to ensure a diverse production team and an appropriate voice cast lending their expertise and talent. As creators ourselves, we have the utmost respect and admiration for Matthew A. Cherry and ‘Hair Love,’ and our hope is that when people watch our show, they will see it is its own story with its own adventures.”

However, the resemblance is so damn hard to ignore, even Google is confused!

(Make sure you click on that tweet to see what Google sees! It’s crazy!)

But with all that has happened this year within the Black community, someone on Nick Jr’s team just needs to run Matthew his coins.

Way too much shit happened this year for y’all to even approve this! I don’t care if it’s been in making for 5 years!

The man won a whole award, this should have been scrapped, or things should have been changed! They coulda made the cat a dog, changed the colors, something! But I guess folks don’t care these days right?

And yes … if you just stopped to ask yourself THAT question, the answer is yes love, they is.

What do YOU think? Did Nick Jr Steal ‘Made By Maddie’ From ‘Hair Love’?

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