ms marvel episode 2 recap

“Ms. Marvel” Episode 2 Recap: 43 Thoughts I Had While Watching On Disney Plus

by Shaye Wyllie
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Thanks to Disney Plus, I got to watch Ms. Marvel episode 2 a few days early, and I am super excited to share my initial thoughts via this live recap.

Marvel Studios’ “Ms. Marvel” is a new, original series that introduces Kamala Khan, a Muslim American teenager growing up in Jersey City. An avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, Kamala is a Super Hero megafan with an oversized imagination—particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel.

And I absolutely love it! So here are …

43 Thoughts I Had While Watching Ms. Marvel Episode 2

No Spoilers – If you haven’t seen Ms. Marvel episode 2 yet, you’re in luck, because this recap will NOT spoil things. I omitted a few thoughts that included spoilers so you can read this without worry. You’re welcome!

ms marvel episode 2 recap
  1. Ugh! Back to the Marvel theme song! Usually I miss it, but I hate the flip flop, inconsistency of which song gets played in the opening credits. Either make all the episodes open with a culture song, or the theme song, pick one.
  2. Is that a Diddy song??
  3. Awwww there’s a LGBT couple. Cute.
  4. This girl looks so familiar, like someone’s kid! OMG she looks like Jessica Marie!
  5. That title sequence is kinda cute.
  6. Kinda shocked this series breaks the “Marvel mold” where they wait until episode 4 to kick things up a notch! So if this already happened in episode 1 and 2, that means something big is coming right???
  7. Nice! I like that they put this ‘prayer routine at the mosque’ scene in! 
  8. Now WHY would you wear Versace shoes to a place you gotta take em off sis!? WHY!?
  9. Of course she likes the new kid … who has a car?
  10. Not her saying she likes the color of the car … and it’s black! Reminds me of that time a boy tried to compliment me in High School and said he liked my jacket! It was sooo freaking weird because it wasn’t a CUTE jacket! So it was nothing to “like” and I instantly knew why he said it.
  11. Must be nice to have a Paki dude around to relate to, huh! 
  12. Also, making it cool to date your race, and not the white boy? A plus!
  13. Oh my lord! What is she doing!? 
  14. I love this song!
  15. Yessss … they do cheeky music that works! I love it. 
  16. Omg are her powers tied to her emotions?? Like in “Turning Red“?? 
  17. Wait are all women superhero powers tied to emotions???
  18. Are those hoop earrings???
  19. Gabe is SO weird. But my kids probably say the same about me, huh.
  20. Now he don’t wanna go to Cal tech cause the boy like Kamala? Lord.
  21. Not a “The Devil Wears Prada” reference!
  22. It is hoop earrings!! How many people are gonna get the significance of her friend giving her those though?? Don’t worry, I’ll write it up!
  23. Him reminding her he knows the language so she can “date him too” is cute. 
  24. Oh shit! She said he’s our cousin! Because of course it’s easier to pretend they’re related than admit she’s on a date with a boy!
  25. He worked for Hot Topic??? That was weird! But also shows how sexist our older generations are. How was he allowed to work at Hot Topic and have a phase, and she can’t go to a convention and dress up for one day?
  26. His fiancé is black? Or? What’s going on here now!?
  27. He switched on that accent mad quick! 
  28. I love that Eid Mubarak was showcased!
  29. The illumin-aunties like illuminati! (Which we just saw in Doctor Strange 2!) Clever!
  30. Wowwww look how easy he got her! 
  31. Not them about to do a sweep of all their places! I already don’t like that!! Police raiding?! Please make it stop. This is triggering AF!!
  32. Why was he taking photos outside a window? HUH! HUH! Whose foolish child is this?!!
  33. Who TF is Night Light?
  34. Omg he puts ice cream on his pizza?? He gotta go!
  35. She keeps getting flashes of her Great Grandmother??
  36. Omg NOW they think she hurt him! Ugh!
  37. This is an emotional rollercoaster! I like this. 
  38. Oh what the f*ck!!!
  39. Of course his ass was right there to help! Not weird at all.
  40. Omgggg they are f*cking related!!! YOOOOOO!!
  41. The end of episode 2 is crazy!! 
  42. Ok ok so something is definitely gonna happen soon and now I can’t wait to see the next episode!!
  43. No end credit scene for episode 2. Bummer!

Anywho, that’s it for this week!

Favorite quotes from the show coming soon. But until then …

Ms. Marvel premieres on June 8th! New episodes are available to watch every Wednesday on Disney Plus.

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