Thanks to Disney Plus, I got to watch Ms. Marvel episode 2 a few days early, and I am super excited to share my initial thoughts via this live recap.
Marvel Studios’ “Ms. Marvel” is a new, original series that introduces Kamala Khan, a Muslim American teenager growing up in Jersey City. An avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, Kamala is a Super Hero megafan with an oversized imagination—particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel.
And I absolutely love it! So here are …
43 Thoughts I Had While Watching Ms. Marvel Episode 2
No Spoilers – If you haven’t seen Ms. Marvel episode 2 yet, you’re in luck, because this recap will NOT spoil things. I omitted a few thoughts that included spoilers so you can read this without worry. You’re welcome!

- Ugh! Back to the Marvel theme song! Usually I miss it, but I hate the flip flop, inconsistency of which song gets played in the opening credits. Either make all the episodes open with a culture song, or the theme song, pick one.
- Is that a Diddy song??
- Awwww there’s a LGBT couple. Cute.
- This girl looks so familiar, like someone’s kid! OMG she looks like Jessica Marie!
- That title sequence is kinda cute.
- Kinda shocked this series breaks the “Marvel mold” where they wait until episode 4 to kick things up a notch! So if this already happened in episode 1 and 2, that means something big is coming right???
- Nice! I like that they put this ‘prayer routine at the mosque’ scene in!
- Now WHY would you wear Versace shoes to a place you gotta take em off sis!? WHY!?
- Of course she likes the new kid … who has a car?
- Not her saying she likes the color of the car … and it’s black! Reminds me of that time a boy tried to compliment me in High School and said he liked my jacket! It was sooo freaking weird because it wasn’t a CUTE jacket! So it was nothing to “like” and I instantly knew why he said it.
- Must be nice to have a Paki dude around to relate to, huh!
- Also, making it cool to date your race, and not the white boy? A plus!
- Oh my lord! What is she doing!?
- I love this song!
- Yessss … they do cheeky music that works! I love it.
- Omg are her powers tied to her emotions?? Like in “Turning Red“??
- Wait are all women superhero powers tied to emotions???
- Are those hoop earrings???
- Gabe is SO weird. But my kids probably say the same about me, huh.
- Now he don’t wanna go to Cal tech cause the boy like Kamala? Lord.
- Not a “The Devil Wears Prada” reference!
- It is hoop earrings!! How many people are gonna get the significance of her friend giving her those though?? Don’t worry, I’ll write it up!
- Him reminding her he knows the language so she can “date him too” is cute.
- Oh shit! She said he’s our cousin! Because of course it’s easier to pretend they’re related than admit she’s on a date with a boy!
- He worked for Hot Topic??? That was weird! But also shows how sexist our older generations are. How was he allowed to work at Hot Topic and have a phase, and she can’t go to a convention and dress up for one day?
- His fiancé is black? Or? What’s going on here now!?
- He switched on that accent mad quick!
- I love that Eid Mubarak was showcased!
- The illumin-aunties like illuminati! (Which we just saw in Doctor Strange 2!) Clever!
- Wowwww look how easy he got her!
- Not them about to do a sweep of all their places! I already don’t like that!! Police raiding?! Please make it stop. This is triggering AF!!
- Why was he taking photos outside a window? HUH! HUH! Whose foolish child is this?!!
- Who TF is Night Light?
- Omg he puts ice cream on his pizza?? He gotta go!
- She keeps getting flashes of her Great Grandmother??
- Omg NOW they think she hurt him! Ugh!
- This is an emotional rollercoaster! I like this.
- Oh what the f*ck!!!
- Of course his ass was right there to help! Not weird at all.
- Omgggg they are f*cking related!!! YOOOOOO!!
- The end of episode 2 is crazy!!
- Ok ok so something is definitely gonna happen soon and now I can’t wait to see the next episode!!
- No end credit scene for episode 2. Bummer!
Anywho, that’s it for this week!
Favorite quotes from the show coming soon. But until then …
I came straight here when I saw on your story that you…