moon knight episode 1 recap

“Moon Knight” Episode 1 Recap: 53 Thoughts I Had While Watching On Disney Plus

by Shaye Wyllie
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Thanks to Disney Plus, I got to watch “Moon Knight” episode 1 a few days before its initial release, and I am super excited to share my initial thoughts via this live recap.

If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, you can click here to watch it. Although I have to say, maybe you shouldn’t watch it? Honestly the trailer doesn’t do the show any justice! But I shared my thoughts on the trailer in that post so you can check it out, see what the show is all about, and go from there.

53 Thoughts I Had While Watching “Moon Knight” Episode 1

Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen episode 1 of “Moon Knight” yet, this recap will spoil things a bit. So if you loathe all kinds of spoilers, bookmark this joint and wait until you’ve seen the episode. You can also read my spoiler review of episode 1 here.

moon knight series poster
  1. Oh this was shot well huh!
  2. Why am I SO excited to watch this??? 
  3. WTF!! OH SHIT!! 
  4. Wait no … that’s his shoes??
  5. WTF is happening?? This is already too much! 
  6. This opening scene is WILD yo! WTF?! 
  7. Awwww I missed the Marvel opening sequence. 
  8. Damn now I don’t even wanna eat I just wanna watch this! It’s kinda interesting. It’s the way it was shot for sure.
  9. Laters gators! He’s so cute. 
  10. Omg he sleeping on this poor man. 
  11. Awww he’s good with kids. 
  12. Omgggg he doesn’t remember anything???? Like nothing at all?? 
  13. She said she fired two of the gods for being late, and that’s why they not on the poster!!! I CAN NOT! Tears!
  14. Oh yeah the music? Dope!! 
  15. Why he keep talking to this damn statue!? Someone please explain.
  16. So … are ankle restraints a red flag? Or a kink? I’m going with kink! I might like that. 
  17. Why the sand and tape every night? 
  18. That’s why he knows so much!? He’s always reading to stay awake! Poor thing. 
  19. NAH! WHAT just happened with his mouth and why was it twisted like that?? Is this a Jordan Peele horror film Marvel! What’s up?
  20. This is definitely more intense than the other Marvel series. As I figured it would be.
  21. But this is good!!! 
  22. Not the same Marvel scoring as usual? This doesn’t feel familiar. Me likey. 
  23. Oh look it’s the crazy man with glass in his shoes again. 
  24. I sweartagawd I think I’m more confused than Steven right now!
  25. Arthur??? Who the f*ck is Arthur?
  26. Accept your scales regardless of the outcome? Nah sir, this don’t sound right.
  27. So she just dead? Like that? See what I mean! Nope! Beam me up scotty!
  28. Lon-donnn. Why he said it like thatttt! Oscar really a comedian huh. That was hilarious. Also stop making fun of us Americans. I got that dig!
  29. Omg he’s not in control?? He’s tryna give it back to him but he can’t?? 
  30. OH F*CK! He killed them people fast FAST. Like in a blink of an eye fast. Literally! Omg this is so good. Not the killings but yah, you get what I mean.
  31. This is the most exciting Marvel series yet and I ain’t expect it at all!
  32. All the fun music? Yesssssss! *sings* Wake me up before you go go. 
  33. Omgggg he keeps f*cking blanking out and waking up to more dead people! I just can’t right now. 
  34. Was that a dream?
  35. Ok now the tape and sand make sense! Got it.
  36. He got a date? He tryna go on a date??? This man who can barely get his life together right now couldn’t cancel this date or reschedule? Why are y’all like this?
  37. See! Now he done woke up two days too late! Come on now!
  38. He so stressed he bout to eat a steak! This man a whole vegan, talking bout I’ll have a steak. And his waiter is WILD for giving him one “well done”. Karma for not canceling.
  39. But seriously … I can’t believe how good this is! We finally have something as good as WandaVision! I’m so excited! 
  40. Awww he even bought her chocolate flowers and chocolates. Now I’m sad. 
  41. STEVEN!! Please don’t give the fish chocolate my man. What is you doing?!
  42. I hope this elevator took him to Marc apartment cause …
  43. OMG OMG OMG!!
  44. Wait is that the old lady who was supposed to die?
  45. Omgggg! How they ending this crazier than they started it??????  
  46. Why is he going towards him??? WHY! 
  47. Nahhhhhh this is MAD good they got me back on the edge of my seat again.
  48. Don’t walk towards the noise damn it!!
  49. It’s not a little bugger, please run. 
  50. We get to see Marc finally?? 
  51. Damn, no we don’t.
  52. Yesssssssssss Mohamed Diab with the direction! My man!! You did yo THANG sir! 
  53. This was a wild ride. I feel like I just watched a dope ass movie man. 

Like seriously! I loved this episode! None of the other Marvel series started off this strong. Not even WandaVision, and y’all KNOW I loved those black and white, old sitcom episodes. This is also the first time I’m not worried about a Marvel series having only 6 episodes.

But that’s it for this week! I can’t wait to rewatch this again. I already saw the first four episodes, but recaps will drop weekly with each new episode.

New episodes of “Moon Knight” will drop weekly on Wednesdays exclusively on Disney Plus.

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