Last Min V-Day Gifts For Teenagers To Give Their Significant Other
Yup, it’s that time of the year! Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and somehow your teen is the one freaking out because they still haven’t gotten their significant other a gift yet? Trust me, I’ve worked with kids long enough to know this shit happens every damn year! Lol
And it’s not that they don’t care, it’s just that they care so damn much they often second guess what’s good enough.
So let me make your life easier, by helping them out this week. Here are a few last-minute Valentine’s Day gifts below that your teen can make / gett really easily.
4 Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gifts For Boo’d Up Teens
Monica’s Meat Lasagna
What teen doesn’t love food? Especially a good lasagna!
Just have them use the recipe card above and recreate Monica’s lasagna from the hit TV show Friends (as if they even know what that is lol) for a simple, quick gift.
They can get a small dish from Target to take it to school in and have lunch together, invite their boo thang over for dinner, have a picnic after school, whatever!
Click here for the second page of the recipe.
Chander’s Cheesecake
And if their boo would prefer something sweet, they can whip up this cute cheesecake using the recipe card above.
I know a lot of kids that would droll over this Valentine’s Day gift, so be careful! Your teen might have a few extra Valentine’s if they bring an entire cheesecake to school.
A Date To Go See Sonic The Hedgehog On Friday
Too busy with homework and extracurricular activities to cook or bake?
How about just printing out these cute Sonic Valentine’s Day cards and inviting their date out to see a movie?
All you need is one of the cards below, with a cute note on the back of where to meet up after school and boom! (Make sure they don’t forget money for snacks!)
P.s – If their significant other isn’t into Sonic, here’s all the other movies releasing on Valentine’s Day that they can go see instead.
A Promise Ring
Last but not least, there’s always the traditional promise ring!
And since that Sonic Valentine’s Day card is perfect, all your teen has to do is run to the mall after school, purchase a promise ring and drop the card in the gift bag.
Hell, they could even go to the supermarket and get one of those 25 cent rings, if they’re not allergic. Lol It’s really not about the cost, but more about the symbol and the cute gesture. Unless your teens’ significant other is bougie, then in that case never mind! Lol
But there you have it.
If your kid is the ultimate Valentine they can go all out and do all four things!
And boom, no chocolate required! (But it wouldn’t hurt to throw a rose or two in there somewhere, with their favorite chocolate or candy, I’m just saying. Lol)
Sonic will be in theatres this Valentine’s Day! Click here to watch the trailer. Plus, there’s a Friend’s Cookbook coming out this Fall!
P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the share button below so your friends can read this awesome post as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. So gon’ and tell me how you REALLY feel! Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There are lots of suggestions below!
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