ted lasso season 2 apple tv plus shows worth watching

Is Apple TV Plus Worth It? If You’ve Seen These 4 Series, You Know It Is

by Shaye Wyllie
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Look … I know I’m probably a bit bias as a “critic”, or “tv reviewer”, when I say that I’m always shocked when I hear folks say they don’t have an Apple TV Plus subscription yet. But I’m not kidding when I say these 4 original series make Apple TV plus worth it!

There are so many more series on Apple TV Plus that I’ve watched and enjoyed, including the latest Denzel Washington series, “The Last Days of Ptolemy Gray“. And so many more that I can’t wait to see, like … uh … “See”, starring Jason Momoa, which I hear is amazing.

But these 4 are top tier, for real!

Plus an Apple TV Plus subscription only costs what, 5 bucks a month? That’s a steal!

So when you ask “is Apple TV Plus even worth it”?

I say … yes, and even if you only watch these 4 series, it’s still absolutely worth it!

Of course you should totally stay to see what else Apple TV Plus has to offer! But these 4 shows are a great start.


Acapulco had me laughing every week, and so invested in finding out what would happen to Maximo, that it was truly a joy to watch! If you like, relaxed, beach fun, with a little bit of messiness on the side, this one’s for you.


Foundation had me on the edge of my seat, weekly, and I loved seeing badass Salvor Hardin do her thang. So if you’re big on sci-fi series, and loved movies like Dune, you should totally check this out.

Ted Lasso

is apple tv plus worth it

I’m not ashamed to say that Ted Lasso is my fave of these 4, especially since my folks are from the Caribbean so soccer has a special place in my heart. Even though I don’t talk about it much. However, Ted Lasso is hilarious, and emotional, and I can not WAIT until Season 3 drops. This show is definitely worth the hype and not one to miss. Unless you hate being happy, then I guess, sure, whatevs.

The Shrink Next Door

is apple tv plus worth it

Last but not least, The Shrink Next Door was SO good, it triggered my trust issues every week. Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd KILL their roles. Almost too good, if I’m being honest. It’s a great example of what happens to nice people, and how folks take advantage of others just because they can. So if you like light thrillers, that won’t leave you having nightmares at night, but instead, intrigued and possibly a bit angry each week, this one’s for you.

But if I’m being honest you should watch ALL 4. They’re all amazing in their own way, and the very best of Apple TV Plus’s original content.

So if you don’t have a subscription yet, I need you to get your life together, and subscribe TUH DAY! And if you DO have a subscription and you haven’t seen these series yet, what are you waiting for????

Wait … before you go!

Did you notice my new “Thank the creator” button at the top of this article? Probably not. And that’s why there’s also a “Thanks” button here at the bottom! You’re welcome!

Google invited (and paid) me to test out their new “Thank with Google” pilot program. It’s an experimental feature that allows readers (like you) to purchase stickers to show their appreciation for creators and writers (like me) when they read an article they love (like this one)! (Because who doesn’t love stickers right!) And I think it’s a super dope idea! Cause y’all just been cackling it up at these movie reviews without even so much as a thank you! This entertainment ain’t FREE! Pay me my WORTH! In stickers!!! Cute, shiny, stickers damn it!

No seriously …

Each sticker has a monetary value ranging from absolutely positively free to $200! Yup, that’s right, you can purchase a sticker for $0 or for $200! With lots of options in between! (And I’m not gonna lie the Dino stickers are just $1 but they’re the freaking cutest! Not that I wouldn’t mind the shiny $200 diamond sticker! After all a diamond is a girl’s best friend. But I swear Google made that Dino sticker cute on purpose!)

Anywho, if you do send me a paid sticker you can also send me a personal note to remind me how much I made you laugh and how much you love me! (Or hate me. Whatever floats your boat! I know sometimes my movie opinions make y’all mad. You’ll be okay.)

But now, thanks to Google, every time you read a new article here, you can send me a sticker and tell me how you REALLY feel! Hated it? Send a paid sticker and tell me why I’m wrong. Loved my review? Send me a cute Dino, bouquet of flowers, or roller skates sticker with a note about how much I made you laugh. If it’s ONE thing I love about writing, it’s hearing how much I made someone’s day or how much I made them laugh.

(I kid you not, there have been many times I’ve wanted to quit writing! But every time I gear up to quit, someone sends me a note about how much one of my articles means to them, I cry a little, and then I get back to it. So I’m excited to read all the new notes I get thanks to Google! But more importantly … the STICKERS! I’m excited for the stickers y’all!)

So just do me a favor and try it out now! Click here to read my latest review, and then send me a sticker using one of the “Thank the creator” buttons, and a note about how the article made you feel. Go on … make my day! You know you want too.

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