Let me just start this off by saying this post has a ton of spoilers in it! So if you haven’t already seen Season 2 of Homecoming on Amazon then I’m gonna need you to go do that before you read this. Unless you don’t mind spoilers! I don’t spoil EVERYTHING, but I mean, I can’t really tell you what I love without spoiling a few things so yeah, sorry but not sorry, this one kinda needs spoilers. Lol
Anywho here are …
9 Things I Loved About Homecoming Season 2
I love love LOVE Stephan James as Walter Cruz!
He was incredible! And the fact that he’s foine as hell has nothing to do with why I loved him so much. Nothing! I swear. Lol
I absolutely LOVE Janelle Monae as Alex.
She was so great! And having this entire episode revolve around her was awesome.
Which speaking of, I loved how they used the name Alex to make us think she was looking for some man, when in fact SHE was Alex.
I would have NEVER guessed that she was Alex while watching this.
That plot twist was genius!
I super duper love that for both seasons, and especially for Season 2 of Homecoming, that the lead actors were Black!

Walter Cruz played by Stephan James (Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein)
I LOVE that the video continues during the end credits!
As if something could possibly happen and you have to keep watching until the very end, but then nothing of importance happens, and it’s just the scene continuing for no reason whatsoever. Lol
There’s just something about having the actors continue the scene while the credits roll that intrigued me. I’ve never seen anyone else do that before.
I loved the concept of being able to wipe someone’s memory so they forget the pain they suffered.
How many times have we all sat down and thought, damn I wish I could forget ever meeting him/her! And the way they used it was incredible.
Normally memory wiping is used in movies and tv shows to just help erase sensitive information, but this was on a whole different level! Like, I pray the government doesn’t try to do this for real or isn’t already doing this now!
I loveeee Season 2 Episode 6 and how everything unfolded so seamlessly!
It was just one stone unturned, then the next stone, and then another. It was written really well! *cough* Not like the Little Women movie! *cough*
Which was super all over the place and confusing as hell!
Related: I Love Florence Pugh, But Even She Herself Couldn’t Pay Me To Watch Little Women Again

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein
Oh, and I loved how Audrey always appeared to be so calm and confident even when she wasn’t.
She always seemed like she had everything in control! And then when you see what really happened and how scared she really was it was so refreshing to see that play out on camera. Especially as someone who suffers from anxiety, and always has to put on a brave face in front of others because I’m usually the one in charge.
That was awesome!
And can we talk about how a grown-ass man understood what he was doing was WRONG and then instead of holding on to these horrible thoughts so he could financially gain from it and appear to be right, he owned his shit and tried to help?
How many times do you get to watch a grown WHITE man in charge of an entire company say, damn I was wrong, let me help you fix this?
I mean, he didn’t come right out and say that, but that’s kind of what happened right? Lol That’s how I took what he did. Cause he sure as hell could have just capitalized on his mistakes regardless of how others were treated. But instead of doing that, he helped dismantle the very business he started!

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein
Listen, if you haven’t watched Homecoming Season 2 yet, or even Season 1, then you need to get on that like ASAP. Cause this show is great!
And I find it so f*cking funny how the very people that wanted to wipe everyone else’s memories ended up crying when they realized it happened to them!
Just hilarious!
But um … I definitely did NOT think Walter would be the last one standing in this! He seemed so docile at first! Lol His friend seemed way more equipped to get through this. I really thought Walter was just some sheep. Lol But I guess not huh!
I’m telling y’all, Stephan did his thang! He played this role WELL!

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein
I Still Have A Ton Of Questions I Need Answered Though
Like …
Why did they decide to film the present day in a square format instead of the normal landscape format films are usually in? Why not just change the color of those scenes so people understood the difference?
What made them write this story? What was the inspiration behind this?
How’d they come up with the concept of a berry that could be turned into a drug to wipe someone’s memory? Something that could be grown right here on Earth, instead of made in a lab, was a great added touch.
Does anyone ever realize their memory was wiped after months go by?
When the hell is season 3 coming out? Cause I want more! Lol I wanna see what happened to the others. Is this just supposed to be about Walter and Alex? Do the others ever get to tell their story?
Does Walter ever see Heidi Bergman again?
Does Walter ever confront his mom about why she did what she did?
Now that everyone’s memory is wiped is that it?
Are they just gonna leave us hanging there? Lol

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein
Seriously this show was SO much better than I ever thought it would be and I’m so happy I watched it.
I was super intrigued when I saw the advertisements for it because Janelle Monae was in it. But I had no clue it was a show! I just thought it was a movie.
And then when I saw Janelle’s part was actually Season 2 I flipped out! Lol
I binged the first season super quickly though. Stephan James killed his role! And then Season 2 really dove into what happened and unfolded everything, it was great.
The story is written really well too.
You get to see everyone’s life unfold and what really happened to them, while also not being confused about any of the timelines.
Honestly, the only reason I have so many questions is because I love the show so much. We only NEED a Season 3 because I don’t want it to end. Lol
I wanna see what they come up with next. It’s THAT good!
Click here to watch Homecoming on Amazon Prime now.
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