cursed netflix trailer review

The New Trailer For The ‘Cursed’ Netflix Series Is Trash! I Hate It!

by Shaye Wyllie
1 comment 621 views

When the news dropped that Netflix was redoing the Arthurian legend story with a female lead, I was super excited. I love the idea of having a female running the show. But this trailer SUCKS! I watched the first Cursed trailer on Netflix’s YouTube channel and then the second one that dropped about a week ago and neither of them is good. W T F!

Are they really about to turn people off from watching this show? Like is this being done on purpose? Is it because the leads a girl, and they just don’t care about this show?

Or is the show gonna suck too?

I’m actually gonna watch Cursed in a few days since I have the screeners for it, but I’m really, REALLY annoyed at how horrible this trailer is.

The first Cursed “trailer” for this new Netflix series is a wack ass teaser trailer that goes no where. And the second trailer is just … wow!

I hate them both!

The first one has way too many pauses in it for me to get the full effect of what this show will bring, and the second one is overpowered by a horrible music choice. Like why the hell was all that music needed? The music did nothing but annoy me! All loud for no damn reason!

None of this made me excited to watch this new series! Not the first, and damn sure not the second. I wanted to see a glimpse of the action, I needed to see her fighting.

Honestly, I just wanted a sneak peek of what this new series would be like.

But if THIS is the sneak peek, then this shit is gonna be just one big ass disappointment!

However, I’m hoping that it’s JUST the trailer. I’m still excited to see what this show will be like and I’ll have a review up of episode one as soon as the embargo breaks and I can post it. But I’m sorry I even bothered to watch this!

Watch the Cursed Netflix trailer here

More about the Cursed Netflix Series below

Cursed Netflix trailer review

Based on the upcoming book of the same name, Cursed is a re-imagining of the Arthurian legend, told through the eyes of Nimue (Katherine Langford), a teenage heroine with a mysterious gift who is destined to become the powerful (and tragic) Lady of the Lake.

After her mother’s death, she finds an unexpected partner in Arthur, a young mercenary, in a quest to find Merlin and deliver an ancient sword. Over the course of her journey, Nimue will become a symbol of courage and rebellion against the terrifying Red Paladins, and their complicit King Uther.

Will you be watching the new Cursed Netflix series when it arrives on July 17th? If so …

Click here to add Cursed to your watchlist today.

P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the share button below so your friends can read this awesome post as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. So gon’ and tell me how you REALLY feel! Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There are lots of suggestions below!

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1 comment

John Boston July 25, 2020 - 5:47 pm

This entire shows is shit. Arthur and Morgana get blackwashed for no reason other than to appease the woketivists. Arthur is relegated beyond squire down to brigand. Merlin has no power and two of the identified Knights (Gwain and Percival) are recast as “Fae”. This is craptastic pandering at it’s worst. This joke of a show has absolutely nothing to do with the Legend of Arthur. It merely steals the names of a few characters from the classic tale and tries to ride on its coattails. I’ve watched through episode 9 in the hopes this show saves itself. It doesn’t. Feel free to pass on this joke.


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