crossing swords trailer

WTF Is This Hulu? Have Y’all Seen The Crossing Swords Trailer? OMG!

by Shaye Wyllie
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Hulu’s Crossing Swords Trailer Is Just A Damn Mess!

No seriously! Like WTF is this even? This Crossing Swords trailer is just … I don’t even know what to say right now!

The first thing that came to mind while watching this madness was the movie Sausage Party! Lol (Remember how shockingly good that was though? OMG! Lol)

But that’s not the god damn point! What is this Hulu?

crossing swords hulu

Who the hell was bored at home during Corona and decided to make an ENTIRE damn show using their kid’s toys? These shits dead look like the toys I used to see while stocking the shelves in Toys R Us a few years ago and wondered who the hell was buying these expensive ass tiny little toys for their kids.

These damn things right here … 

And of course, some of y’all are gonna watch this shit and laugh for days! Lol

Hell, I bust out laughing at the end of the damn trailer, so maybe I’m one of those crazy people I just mentioned? Damn it! Lol

But hold on … why did this damn boy go to save the stupid ass princess and she said “ewww, like what are you, obsessed with me? Stalker!”

Like b*xch what? Bye hoe! TF! Lol That shit nearly took me out!  I’m weak! Okay, so maybe I’m a tad excited to see this now. Ugh! I really came here to cuss Hulu out for this nonsense and here I am laughing at the foolishness. Damn damn damn!

Anywho … Crossing Swords premieres on Hulu June 12th!

Watch The Trailer Below

About Crossing Swords

Created by Robot Chicken’s John Harvatine IV and Tom Root, Crossing Swords stars Nicholas Hoult as Patrick, a good-hearted peasant who lands a coveted squire position at the royal castle.

However, his dream job quickly turns into a nightmare when he learns his beloved kingdom is run by a hornet’s nest of horny monarchs, crooks, and charlatans.

Even worse, Patrick’s valor made him the black sheep in his family, and now his criminal siblings have returned to make his life hell. War, murder, full-frontal nudity—who knew brightly colored peg people led such exciting lives?

Click here to add Crossing Swords on Hulu to your watchlist.

P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the share button below so your friends can read this awesome post as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. So gon’ and tell me how you REALLY feel! Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There are lots of suggestions below!

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