Ava DuVernay’s New OWN Series “Cherish The Day” Is A Must See
By the grace of God *hallelujah*, I stumbled upon a tweet last night with the trailer of Ava’s new OWN series, Cherish the Day, and I’ve never been so freaking happy!
Like I was ready to throw my laptop to the side, and go to bed!
But as soon as I saw that tweet, something told me I HAD to watch the video, with sound! (That’s a big deal for me. Lol)
And I wasn’t the least bit disappointed! Now I’m off the wall excited about Cherish the Day! There’s just one freaking problem. I don’t have OWN. First of all, I wasn’t even checking for OWN before today.
That done all changed now though! Ava done made me see the light! I will definitely be looking into what else is currently on OWN this month, along with BET+.
However, after watching the trailer, I’m convinced everyone needs to see this.
Here’s why …
Cherish the Day has a production crew of over 50% women, including 18 female department heads.
That’s right, you heard me!
Over 50% of the Cherish the Day production crew are women!
If you think that’s small potatoes then you’re not hip to the entertainment world at all! But that’s okay, cause now you know, that’s HUGE! The entertainment world is FILLED with men (especially men who swear they know what they’re doing but don’t. Lol And usually it’s a woman that actually knows WTF is up. As always. Lol)
However, Ava is a blessing and “achieved full gender parity with a production crew of over 50% women, including 18 female department heads”.
Read the word HEADS again! Lol (Not that head, stop it.)
“Women were hired across directing, writing, production design, camera, set design, casting, key craft service, costume, hair, makeup, editing, medical, set decoration, sound, grip, electric, transportation, accounting, locations, and stunts, along with serving as post-production supervisor, property master, and script supervisor.”
Like how f*cking GREAT is that? OMG! Plus, there’s more good news!
The new series stars Cicely Tyson! Need I say more?
We all know Ms. Cicely Tyson is a BOSS! However, every time she steps in front of the camera she gives us greatness!
Even in Tyler Perry’s meh ass Netflix movie A Fall From Grace, she was serving out award-winning performances.
Cicely Tyson portrays Miss Luma, who Gently (the lead main female character) lives with and cares for.
So hold up … what’s this damn thing even about any way you ask? Got you!
Cherish the Day chronicles the stirring relationship of one Black and extremely cute couple. The couple meets and falls in love in Los Angeles.
And seriously, that’s all I freaking know.
They ain’t tell me not a damn thing more. Like, so y’all just gon make me wait to see what happens huh? You couldn’t tell me not ONE thing? Ugh! Lol
However, the narrative will unfold to reveal significant moments that compel us to hold true to the ones we love, from the extraordinary to the everyday.
With the full installment spanning five years in only eight episodes and with each episode spanning a single day.
The Cherish the Day cast will include …
Xosha Roquemore (“The Mindy Project”), who stars as Gently James and Alano Miller (“Underground”), who stars as Evan Fisher, both pictured above.
As mentioned before Cicely Tyson will also star in this series and oh look …
I spot someone’s husband! Lol (Elisha Beach’s husband to be exact!)
We met through a Facebook Group called Courage to Earn and then met in person last year at a mom blogging conference called Mom 2.0! She’s absolutely wonderful and also the owner of The Mom Forum.
So now I’m even MORE excited to watch this! Lol Plus I love Anne-Marie as well. So yeah, this is gonna be terrific!
But Cherish the Day wasn’t just created and executively produced by Ava DuVernay, it was also produced by Oprah Winfrey. Like hello!
The anticipated new romantic anthology drama “Cherish the Day” was executively produced and created by award-winning creator Ava DuVernay through Array Filmworks from Warner Horizon Scripted Television.
Ava also created Queen Sugar, and When They See Us if ya didn’t already know that. Lol Which if you’re reading this blog, you probably already do!
However, Paul Garnes (“Queen Sugar”), Tanya Hamilton (“Queen Sugar,” “Night Catches Us”) and Oprah Winfrey are also all executive producers.
Watch the Cherish The Day trailer below
Chapter One of “Cherish the Day,” will premiere on OWN on February 11th and 12th, and I can’t wait!
See what else is coming out this month: On Netflix | On Hulu | On Disney+ | In Theaters
P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the share button below so your friends can read this awesome post as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. So gon’ and tell me how you REALLY feel! Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There are lots of suggestions below!
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