Beyonce as storm in black panther 2

Here Are 9 Memes That Show How We All Feel About Beyonce Playing Storm In Black Panther 2

by Shaye Wyllie
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A few days ago there was a rumor spreading that Beyonce may be playing Storm in Black Panther 2 and well … Marvel fans aren’t too happy! And do we blame them?

I sure as hell don’t! So many folks complained about Beyonce in The Lion King I still haven’t watched it yet. Lol

But y’all know how the beehive is! (And if you don’t here’s a post explaining exactly how they are!) Anything with her name on it, and magically they’re down!

But listen here, Black Panther was DOPE and we don’t need folks just thrown into the sequel just because they have a big fan base!

So yeah, I feel the same way the folks who made these memes feel. Lol

9 Memes That Show How We Feel About Beyonce Playing Storm

black panther 2 beyonce storm memes

beyonce to play storm memes

beyonce storm memes

beyonce storm marvel memes beyonce storm black panther memes

beyonce storm black panther 2 memes

beyonce playing storm memes

beyonce cast as storm memes

beyonce as storm in black panther 2 memes

Listen! Lol I’m pretty sure folks are just getting started with these memes.

So the more memes I find, the longer this post will get!

And if you don’t agree, then that’s fine! But I said what I said! Save ya drama for yo mama and miss me with the foolishness today, kay? Lol

If you see more memes about how folks feel about Beyonce playing Storm in Black Panther 2 that I haven’t added to this post, do me a favor and tag me on Facebook, or send it to me! Lol Thanks! Love you too.

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Beyonce as storm in black panther 2

P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the little heart button below to let me know you liked this post! And if you REALLY liked it, make sure you hit the share button so your friends can read it as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There’s lots of suggestions below!

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