Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Family Singalong

That Time Beyonce Fans Tried To Drag Me (And My Kid) Over A Simple Tweet

by Shaye Wyllie
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So what had happened wasssssss … Lol

Y’all know my mouth is MY mouth right? And I have MAD opinions? Henceforth why I BLOG! (Blog = writing opinions. Lol) Right! Okay!

So last night, my kid decided to watch Disney’s Family Singalong on ABC, an event they hosted because of what’s going on with Corona! (Disney is really trying to be there for everyone via putting out content they know we’ll love. That’s actually how Frozen 2 and Onward ended up on Disney Plus so freaking early!)

So apparently Beyonce was there too … and I was hella confused as to why her video was a tad bit different than everyone else. (She didn’t have the lyrics scrolling on the bottom like everyone else.) So I tweeted this …

beyonce disney family singalong

And then the Beyonce “fans” decided to “come for me”. *rolls eyes* So I promised everyone I’d compile a list of the “best” tweets. Cause honestly, it’s entertaining as hell. Dare I say as entertaining as these 75 hilarious Tiger King memes? Lol

Here’s Beyonce Fans Throwing Shade During The Disney Family Singalong

Some fans commented on my looks …

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade On Twitter During Disney Family Singalong

Please note that I’m goofy looking but apparently HE looks like Beyonce? Where ya photo at sir? Sigh! Folks with Twitter fingers NEVER got they real photo or name up.

Why is that??

beyonce fans on twitter being mean

Also, this was weird as hell. I guess she/he was tryna call me ugly?

But they opened my photo, zoomed in and posted it to tweet this? I’m extra confused as to WHY! Lol Did they think I didn’t know what my photo looked like?

I posted the damn photo! Lol

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During Disney Family Singalong

Please also note that …. my life is in fact NOT over! *shrugs*

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade

All that damn zooming into my photos and he called me cross-eyed instead of four eyes? Cross-eyed is an actual thing, I literally just wear glasses cause I can’t see far.

But ya know … thanks for coming for me!

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade On Twitter During Disney Family Singalong

My eyes look tired in my photo y’all? Or folks didn’t know what else to say???

Some Beyonce Fans called me fat … 

beyonce fans mean on twitter

And failed at it! First of all, ya name is bootcut blowjobs? No one is taking you seriously if you’re coming from Clown College bruh!

Also, you didn’t think to spell singing correctly??? Am I supposed to sign Lizzo? Ain’t she already signed? Lol Sigh … it took a few tweets for me to realize BJ here was tryna tell me to sing and called me Lizzo cause she’s also Black and fat?

But if you’re trying to “come for someone” you should at least make your “joke” easy to understand and read so they can actually be insulted and not have to figure out what’s happening.

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade On Twitter During The Disney Family Singalong

Some Beyonce Fans commented on my nonexistent ass …

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade On Twitter During Disney Singalong

I really had to ask if they could smell my ass from there cause … like I don’t even have ASS for it to stank. Lol

Some Beyonce Fans even commented on my hair …

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During Disney Singalong

P.s – I’ve never worn weave in my life.

These folks was all in my tweets and photos and didn’t realize that?? Lol

Some Beyonce Fans commented on my shirt? *confused face*

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Family Singalong

Still not even sure how this shirt thing is an insult. Lol

Also, my shirt says HENNYTHING. Lol Beyonce fans just can’t read well enough to see that there’s another letter there.

Some Beyonce Fans brought my kid into the conversation …

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Singalong

Also, he/she said children and I only have one child.

They need to dig deeper for insults! My kid can’t be starving for attention if she sitting right next to me singing the songs with me. Lol

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During Disney Singalong On Twitter

Oh … I looked! Homecoming came out in 2019! (April)

So, this was a DIG to find! Cause I tweet a lot. Lol

Some Beyonce Fans said I was a horrible mom …

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Family Singalong On Twitter

Why people keep asking about my children and I only have one child???

I’m a bad mom because I have opinions though.

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Singalong

It’s always funny how people throw the single mom thing in when they’re mad. Like the two don’t even go together. Sigh! Also, the “I can smell your ass and coochie” comments are really concerning. Folks tryna make up insults without ever meeting someone. HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD????

Some Beyonce Fans want me to catch the Rona …

beyonce fans tweet mean things

And Some Beyonce Fans were seriously concerned if I was okay? (After throwing shade themselves first though.)

beyonce fans being mean to blogger

He’s cool though! I could tell his questions and concerns were genuine. But it’s always funny how folks will jump on the bandwagon and then realize they’re wrong.

P.s – Some Beyonce Fans DUG DEEP for shit to talk about (since my initial tweet obviously wasn’t enough). LOL

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Fam Singalong

Look at that timestamp bro! 2018!! Sigh. I don’t even have that kind of time. Lol And I asked how they found this SO quickly, but they wouldn’t tell me! Bummer! I really wanted to know. Did she scroll all the way to 2018 or did she search?

Anywho, some of my friends thought I handled all the above well … 

how to handle beyonce fans

how to handle beyonce fans

And I have to agree. Cause there’s a LOT of shit my smart ass could have said, but some folks aren’t worth a response! I did talk to a few people though.

And I made one friend through it all …

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During Disney Family Singalong On Twitter

Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During Disney Family Singalong On Twitter

After these tweets, she slid in my DMs to talk, calmly. So I followed her. She seems nice enough. And I have NO PROBLEM with folks who wanna speak their piece!

But like my friend Dani said …

beyonce fans are mean

These insults weren’t that great so I’m a little disappointed.

I’ve heard of how Beyonce fans “come for folks” on the internet, but until the Disney Family Singalong, I had never seen it in action! So I guess that was cool. It’ll make for a great story when I meet her. Lol

P.s – I just realized a lot of these comments are from the SAME people! Lol I was literally just responding to folks, just to respond. I didn’t realize it was the same folks coming back tryna insult me over and over. Sigh!

Also, the sir below was nice enough to (sorta) explain the real reason her video didn’t have lyrics. (Which was my actual concern.)

beyonce late addition to disney singalong

Apparently, Beyonce made the decision to join late.

So they probably didn’t have time to edit her video. Which, clearly I didn’t know or I wouldn’t have asked WHY she didn’t have lyrics! Lol

My kid was tryna sing the song with her and just couldn’t henceforth my tweet. But ya know, Twitter fingers will be Twitter fingers I guess.

Also – with all the madness that happened last night I almost forgot they shared a clip of the new Artemis Fowl movie! Which I believe is supposed to go straight to Disney Plus soon, so I’ll post that clip in a bit in case y’all missed it last night.

But if you missed the show last night and wanna see Beyonce perform, or the other celebrities, click here to watch the hour special on ABC (dot com).

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Beyonce Fans Throw Shade During The Disney Family Singalong

P.s – Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to hit the share button below so your friends can read this awesome post as well. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. So gon’ and tell me how you REALLY feel! Thanks in advance! Now click around and read something else. Lol There are lots of suggestions below!

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