jungle cruise movie dwayne johnson emily blunt jack whitehall

16 Of The Best Movie Quotes From Disney’s Jungle Cruise

by Shaye Wyllie
2 comments 840 views

Before I attended the Jungle Cruise press conference, Disney Plus sent over a screener of the film for review.

While watching the Jungle Cruise movie I couldn’t help but notice these quotes. These quotes are my absolute fave so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Here Are The Best Quotes From The Jungle Cruise Movie

jungle cruise movie poster

“Fair please.”

“Can I put it on a tab?”

“Are you still giving a tour?”


“Perhaps a refund?”

“Know this about the jungle! Everything you see wants to kill you, and can.”

“We did not cross half the globe for baths and cocktails.”

“What [do] you want my boat for? You have nice boats.”

“Aren’t you hot in all that?”

“Not in the slightest.”

*a few seconds later*

“Omg my eyeballs are sweating!”

“If you believe in legends, you should believe in curses too.”

“Use the soap to wash yourself ashore.”

“You’re staring. How do I make it stop?”

“You should give up.”

“You should give up the guitar!”

“I’m going to pet you now, and you’re not going to eat me.”

“Come on, you heard the canabals.”

“Frank would you like to bite down on my stick?”

“Could you ask the bee for coordinates?”

“We fought the ocean only to be beaten by the river.”

“Are you wearing pants under your pants?”

There were also a ton of “dad jokes” throughout the film, but I couldn’t spoil those for you! They are hilarious though.

But you’ve gotta SEE The Rock tell them and the reactions of everyone on the damn boat and in the movie to really get the full experience.

So sorry!

You’ll have to watch the film for those. (It’s totally worth it though!)

Are any of these quotes above your favorite? Did I miss a good one that you loved? If so, leave your favorite quotes in the comments below!

Jungle Cruise is now streaming on Disney Plus with premier access.

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Laura September 3, 2021 - 12:10 am

I am trying to get the correct wording on the quite that went something like”You’re such an irritating man”. Was the word “irritating”? At the end when the Frank turns to stone.

Shaye Wyllie September 24, 2021 - 4:41 pm

Hey dear,

Sadly, my memory sucks so if I didn’t write the exact quote down, I don’t remember it. BUT … Jungle Cruise will be on Disney Plus in November if that’s helpful at all? I don’t have that part written down. SORRY!! I hope you find the answer!


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