Okay, like I said before (in recap numbero cuatro) I’m slowly catching up on my What If episodes, despite the fact that they bore me immensely, since I promised to recap them all. I finally watched What If episode 5, so here’s a recap of the craziest things that happened!
Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen What If episode 5 this recap will spoil things … like a lot. But I mean, I’m assuming that you clicked this post because you WANTED to know what happened!
If so, continue reading.
If you loathe all kinds of spoilers, read my review of the series instead. And then bookmark this joint and wait until you’ve seen the episode.
12 Of The Craziest Things That Happened In “What If” Episode 5 Now Streaming On Disney+

- The Avengers turned into zombies! Except the hulk? Who was saved by The Wasp and Spider-man? Lawd!
- Hank Pym finally found his wife and um … she too was a zombie! Ain’t that some shit!
- Spider-man Gen-Z ass out here making “how to survive the zombie apocalypse” videos on YouTube. Like this is the appropriate time to be tryna monetize a world tragedy?
- Bucky was buck-naked in the shower! And I know half y’all finna watch this jawn JUST for this scene. Bless yo hearts.
- Spider-Man has Dr. Strange’s cape, now that he’s gone full zombie on us. And it kind of makes me sad, knowing all that he’s already been through and lost.
- Bucky has to fight zombie Captain America! Whew chile. This one was a bit hard too. Y’all know how close they are.
- After all they do, you know, the few Avengers who haven’t been infected yet, Hope still gets infected … just like her damn parents! Sorry sis! I mean, at least you tried right? Maybe y’all can be a happy zombie family? I’m just saying!
- Hope takes it upon herself to still play “Captain Save-a-hoe” right before she goes full zombie, and makes herself big so she can carry the others through the zombie infected land, so they don’t get infected. Of course, the zombies climb her ass like a tree as she’s walking though. So if we ever thought she had a chance, all … *ahem* hope … is lost now.
- Oh and boy was it great to see Vision again! (After falling in love with his character while watching WandaVision.) Not so happy to see Wanda though! I mean, I was, but she was also a zombie … with her damn powers. So yeah nah!
- Now why did someone say a whole ass Harry Potter spell in the midst of this chaos? Like first of all, ain’t those copyrighted? Disney a mess for that. But it made my Hufflepuff heart happy.
- Then we have Vision himself (not Thanos) pulling out his damn mind stone straight outta his head, like that’s totally okay. I mean, it’s the one thing that kept the zombies away, but gosh was that traumatic to watch.
- Last but not least, we get to watch The Hulk and zombie Wanda throw hands. And I’m still not sure why either of them thought this was gonna be cute. Like, can y’all just go sit somewhere. Magic against strength? Really?
Either way, this was definitely the most “exciting” episode yet! It for sure had the most suspense.
I’m actually a little mad that I liked this one so much. Cause I really don’t care for zombies!
But if you haven’t seen What If episode 5 yet and you’re NOT a hardcore Marvel fan, read this before watching it. Like ASAP.
If you HAVE “What If” episode 5, drop something you thought was crazy in the comments below!
P.s – Check Back For More “What If” Episode Recaps Below
Yup, that’s right. I’ll be recapping all 10 episodes of Marvel’s “What If” series, so you can check back here for new episode recaps each week.
Note: You’ll be able to click on each episode below once the recap is available. So make sure you bookmark this post.
What If Episode 5 Recap
What If Episode 7 Recap
What If Episode 8 Recap
What If Episode 9 Recap
What If Episode 10 Recap
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