the lego movie 2 review

The LEGO Movie 2 Review: Everything Is Not Awesome

by Shaye Wyllie
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A few days ago … My daughter and I got to see an advanced screening of The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part, aka the LEGO movie part 2, for free in Times Square thanks to Warner Bros Pictures. It was awesome!

We Saw The LEGO Movie Part 2 And This Time Everything's Not Awesome

But while we think the movie was awesome, I’m not so sure our friends Emmet and Lucy felt the same way! I mean this time, everything was NOT awesome, and that was clearly a problem for them both. Lol Especially since you know, they’re so damn used to … *sings* everything being awesomeeeee. Lol (Should I sing you the song? Lol) I’ll spare you for now, but only because I have a new favorite song thanks to the LEGO movie part 2, which I’ll share with you in a bit. Lol

As for the LEGO movie part 2, it was great! My daughter sat up in her seat the entire time! Lol I had to tell her to sit back and relax, like OMG. Lol She absolutely loved it! But me? Eh, it was okay. Lol Don’t get me wrong, I loved the LEGO movie part 2, and I absolutely love the new songs, but I think part one was a little better. You can tell me if you feel the same way after you watch it. Lol

I totally learned a few things from this movie though, like Tiffany Haddish is great in animation movies, (so I can’t wait to see her in The Secret Life of Pets 2), and that when they say “this song’s gonna get stuck inside your head” they really freaking mean it. Lol

My daughter was so darn annoyed by the end of the movie, because it was playing before the movie as well. But honestly I think she’s the only one that didn’t like it. Lol I was singing the entire time!

We Saw The LEGO Movie Part 2 And This Time Everything's Not Awesome

I think the subtle messages behind this movie were also AMAZING as well. A few of them were simple things we need to remember each and every day like, “don’t be that woman who does all of the work, and then let a man or someone else take all of the credit for it” and “even though everything isn’t awesome you can always make it better”.

That last one is something I totally need to work on remembering this year! As you watch the movie, see what other messages you find! I found a few more, but I don’t want to give away the entire movie. Lol

But there is ONE thing I’ll say from the movie, and I hope this doesn’t spoil it for you. Lol But during the movie, someone said “you’re a total Hufflepuff” and that hurt me to the core. Lol Why would you say that damn it? What’s wrong with being a Hufflepuff? Nothing, that’s what! Lol (Can you tell I’m a Hufflepuff? Lol)

So yeah, that may be the one message I didn’t agree with in this movie! Everything else was amazing, and I’m pretty sure I almost cried at the end. Lol Oh, and before I forget, there’s also a Mini Room experience coming to NYC as well, to celebrate the LEGO movie’s release! More info about that below.

About The LEGO Movie 2 “Mini Room” Experience

We Saw The LEGO Movie Part 2 And This Time Everything's Not Awesome

To celebrate the opening of the film, Warner Bros. is creating a fun interactive experience for fans of the film to enjoy.  This activation will feature a large scale recreation of a “Mini Room” featured in The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part in which visitors can sit next to our favorite LEGO hero Emmet and take photos that are truly Instagram worthy.

This “Mini Room” will be coming to NYC on February 9th and 10th at The Oculus.  The “Mini Room” will be located on the ground floor in The Oculus on those dates, so I hope we’ll see you there! If you’re going to go, shoot me a message on Instagram or Tweet me and let me know so we can say hi!

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