If you saw my review of The Suicide Squad then you KNOW how much I enjoyed it.
And while watching The Suicide Squad movie on HBO Max, I couldn’t help but notice these quotes.
These quotes are my absolute fave so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
P.s – Click here for a full review of The Suicide Squad (2021) movie.
Here Are The Best Quotes From The Suicide Squad

“Savant! Or would you rather be called Durlin?”
“I’d rather not be called at all. But I’ll do anything to get outta this hell hole.”
“Your name is letters?”
“All names are letters dickhead.”
“He’s a weasel. He’s harmless.”
“I love your accent.”
“American women all love accents.”
“In his hand anything is a f*cking weapon.”
“I can’t believe that you don’t care that I stole only that I got caught.”
“Next we have Cleo Cazo, Ratcatcher 2.”
“What we couldn’t afford Ratcatcher 1?”
“I’m not shaking the rats hand!”
“Awww he’s offering you a pretty leaf to show you he means no harm.”
“Why the f*ck would I want a leaf?”
“If I die ’cause I gambled on love it will be a worthy death.”
“I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, or children, I have to kill to get it.”
“Why did my people not alert me of your arrival?”
“We didn’t see any people.”
“I don’t like to kill people, but if I pretend it’s my mom, it’s easy.”
“Typical Americans. Just run in, guns blazing.”
“Is that rat waving at me?”
“When your taste in men is as bad as mine they don’t just go away quietly, they slash your tires, and they kill your dogs, and tell you that the music you like ain’t real music at all.”
“Do you want a dozen angry rodents crawling up your ass?”
“My answer may not be what you expect.”
“What’s with the javelin?”
“I’m waiting for god to tell me.”
“Jesus Christ!”
“Yeah! Oh him. Or any of them really.”
“Who ate all the f*cking empanadas.”
“Mine were very good. I had the chicken.”
“All right. Here’s the deal. We fail the mission you die.”
“We find out any information you give us is false, you die.”
“If we find out you have personalized license plates, you die.”
“What? No.”
“If you mismatch blacks, you die.”
“If you cough without covering your mouth.
“Harley! [Sir] those last three aren’t things.”
“Rats are the lowliest and most despised of all creatures. If they have purpose so do we all.”
Are any of these quotes above your favorite? Did I miss a good one that you loved?
If so, leave your favorite quotes in the comments below!
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