the cypher short film

Live Recap: 13 Thoughts I Had While Watching The Cypher

by Shaye Wyllie
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So yesterday I announced that I was covering the American Black Film Festival and all of the films I was looking forward to covering over the next few days. And first up on the festival’s agenda, was the HBO Short Film Competition, which I attended (virtually) last night. A few of the films I saw, weren’t even on my radar initially, but The Cypher was definitely on my list to watch and I’m absolutely thrilled that I got to see it.

The Cypher is about a young Black rapper in Philadelphia who must confront his sexuality when he finally gets the chance to perform on the big stage.

Here Are 13 Thoughts I Had While Watching The Cypher Short Film

the cypher movie

Photo Credit: The Cypher

1. There better be some good lyrics in this, that’s all I’m finna say right now.

2. This video needs to keep still! It’s a little all over the place.

3. I love watching dudes faces in cyphers and watching them keep calm. Like brother I know you’re shook right now, but keep that poker face going.

4. First of all he’s cute! Who this?!

5. Yessssss to the girl freestyling though!

6. The keep your head up thing was super cute! I dead wanna start doing that now.

7. Oh shit!

8. Her hair is nice though, damn! (And if you’ve seen A Fall From Grace or Season 1 of Family Reunion, you know hair is important in Black films.)

9. I’m worried! I’m stressed! They about to violate and I’m scared.

10. They really got me on the edge of my seat right now!

11. First of all why would she even take the photo? Why wouldn’t she delete it! The hell?!

12. Power through my friend!! You got this! Keep going!

13. I liked this.

So yeah, that’s pretty much what went through my head while watching this.

I’ll have a full review of the movie up soon.

This was only one of the five films in this category, so once I’m done reviewing them all, I’ll let you know which short film I loved the best, and who I hope wins the American Black Film Festival HBO Short Film Competition!

Then we’ll get to see if my instincts are as great as I think they are, at the end of the festival during the awards show.

Click here to sign up for a “Community Pass” to the American Black Film Festival so you can watch The Cypher short film for free.

Here’s What I Thought About The Other Films In This Competition:

26 Thoughts I Had While Watching A Storybook Ending

14 Thoughts I Had While Watching The Black Boy Joy Short Film

16 Thoughts I Had While Watching Dolapo Is Fine

17 Thoughts I Had While Watching A Rodeo Film

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