Spider-Man: No Way Home

Y’all Was Really Pressed For This Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer And Now Look

by Shaye Wyllie
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I get it. You’re excited. The new Spider-Man: No Way Home movie is coming out soon (December 17th to be exact) and you just had to see the damn trailer! So when it dropped last night, you probably scrambled to watch it on YouTube. Unless you’re somewhat normal, like moi, and ignored the crap out of it until you felt “ready” to give your reaction to the world because OMG the new Spider-Man: No Way Home movie is coming!

Or not.

Either way, some of y’all were PRESSED for this god damn thang to drop, and now that it’s here, what? WHAT! What y’all did with y’all lives today? Work? Exactly.

Relax! It’s just a movie!

Gosh I hate Marvel fans sometimes. Y’all really be pressed about every god damn thing Marvel does like y’all on they payroll or something. The trailer wasn’t even all that. So you spent the last few months tripping balls, like a psycho, for nada!

Or at least that’s how I feel.

This wasn’t nothing special y’all.

But here’s my full reaction to the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer or whatever.

Like this is literally, what I was thinking as I was watching this joint.

Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer reaction
Benedict Cumberbatch stars as Doctor Strange and Tom Holland stars as Spider-Man/Peter Parker in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
  1. I hope this ish is worth the damn wait! The way y’all stressed about this.
  2. Nah this bxch is 3 mins long? Issa TEASER trailer! Did y’all put the WHOLE dang movie in here? How is it three minutes!???
  3. The world sinking was kinda cute. In a, well that looks traumatic, glad I’m not there, kind of way.
  4. I forgot Zendaya was in this. I stay forgetting homegirl is in these Spider-Man movies now.
  5. This music feels way more dramatic than necessary. Like seriously!
  6. We see it ties into Dr Strange’s movie. But y’all already knew that.
  7. I’m enjoying watching Wong in Deadly Class so can’t wait to see him in this too!
  8. Lord have mercy they done messed up the entire world?!
  9. “The problem is you tryna live two different lives.” Oh wow damn don’t scream at me then. 
  10. Yeah a lot of this coulda been cut. They done gave us the movie. But we’ll see!

I always end up enjoying these films anyway, despite not being a hardcore comic, Marvel stan, so I know I won’t be disappointed in the film.

But I need y’all to stop hyping things up, until AFTER you see it okay? ‘Cause whew lawd y’all were a mess!

If you haven’t already seen the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer yet, here it is.

Spider-Man: No Way Home premieres exclusively in movie theaters on December 17, 2021.

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