I don’t know about you, but I didn’t buy our tiny Christmas tree until a few days ago! And because of this, my sad little tree only has two geeky Christmas ornaments on it!
(One of which is below, thanks to Hallmark who sent it to me for free to help me celebrate A Geeky Christmas! *cough* Harry Potter *cough* Check it out here on instagram.)
This year, I was super duper excited for Christmas to stroll itself on in, because 2020 has been one hell of a year, but now that it’s only a few days away I’m still stuck in work mode! And honestly, I really wanna get all this ish done BEFORE Christmas eve, so I can sit back and relax and enjoy these Christmas movies with my family. (P.s – this list has 100 freaking Christmas movies and I need to watch them all! Okay … I’m exaggerating, I just need to watch a few but STILL!) *sigh*
However, just because I have a ton of work left to do, and a ton of gifts left to buy, which means my funds are a tad low at the moment so I’m forcing myself to NOT buy more geeky Christmas ornaments, doesn’t mean you have to suffer with me! So …
Here are 13 Geeky Christmas Ornaments You Need ASAP
Disclaimer: The links below are what we “fancy” writers call “affiliate” links, which means if you purchase something using my links below, I may earn a small and I mean … a very small … commission. However, since every penny counts, feel free to buy all the things! Using these links don’t cost you a thing!
Awww thank you!!! It's so good!!