While watching Dear White People season 4 on Netflix, I couldn’t help but notice these quotes. These quotes are my absolute fave so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Here Are The Best Quotes From Dear White People Season 4

“I make minimum wage, not decisions.”
“Yeah but we have orgasms in pill form now, so win some, lose some?”
“You know, I’m the one who should be pissed. You stole my title.”
“It’s fair use though. You stole my life.”
“If critics had to endure criticism of their craft, maybe they’d be better at writing it.”
“Nigga have you had a blue chetto?”
“Yeah isn’t it like SNL, but written by amateurs, but somehow still better written?”
“And since white people have started caring about racism again, we might actually be able to shame them into giving us some of what we deserve.”
“Are you proposing that we put on an all-Black 90’s musical? Because if so, I will spontaneously combust into glitter.”
“Hey, this isn’t over.”
“No it’s not, cause you gon’ vacuum all that damn glitter up.”
“It’s my dream to be celebrated by white people while I drag them.”
“Somebody just got their lil dicky tickets.”
“You play piano?”
“I began my professional queer life as a gospel gay.”
“Oh well with a little bit of luck and tenacity you too can be a film-school dropout.”
“Will today be the day that Ava DuVernay discovers me and saves me from the white man’s arithmetic?”
“You are black and gay! Both groups are notoriious for spontaneous singing.”
“Your doc on Moses, that’s like a religious thing?”
“A brother! Sorry, is that inappopriate?”
“Oh, not at all. I am just as excited to see a sister, at White Chester, no less. Look I can make that joke. I went here.”
“You wanna get a drink to talk about my documentary exposè on sexual harassment at a university?”
“Not when you say it like that.”
“Lionel you either constantly win or you’re a failure.”
“Gay black men create culture. We never get to be the center of it.”
“I performed the best thing ever wrote. They didn’t get it.”
Are any of these quotes above your favorite? Did I miss a good one that you loved?
If so, leave your favorite quotes in the comments below!
I came straight here when I saw on your story that you…