black cake season 1 episode 2 recap
Home » “Black Cake” Episode 2 Recap: 38 Thoughts I Had While Watching Hulu’s New Caribbean Drama

“Black Cake” Episode 2 Recap: 38 Thoughts I Had While Watching Hulu’s New Caribbean Drama

by Shaye Wyllie
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I started watching “Black Cake” Season 1 on Hulu a few days ago, and I’m not gonna lie, episode 2 wasn’t as great as episode 1, but of course, I’m still super excited to share my initial thoughts via this live recap.

“Black Cake” is a Caribbean drama series about Eleanor Bennett who loses her battle with cancer and leaves her children a flash drive that holds untold stories of her journey from the Caribbean to America.

And as a child of immigrants from the Caribbean, I absolutely love it!

If you haven’t already seen it, here’s my recap of episode 1. And now, here are …

38 Thoughts I Had While Watching “Black Cake” Season 1 Episode 2

Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen “Black Cake” Season 1 Episode 2 on Hulu just yet, this recap may spoil things a bit. I omitted names so you don’t know who is who. But if you loathe all kinds of spoilers, bookmark this joint and wait until you’ve seen it.

black cake season 1 episode 1 recap

Okay, so now for my thoughts …

  1. So her mom was perfect in her eyes? That almost makes sense now. Caribbean child and perfectionism, of course.
  2. My man said, “I gotta go to work”. Like we care! Sir stay where you are! That job is not more important!!
  3. This lawyer friend feel like more than a friend. If you catch my drift.
  4. Sis left 8 years ago, but why???! Someone tell me WHY!
  5. I love that Glynn Turman is in this though!! I love him!
  6. I like that they switch back and forth between past and present, but gon’ and give me the rest of sis story, please!
  7. Benedetta tho? Really?!? The name is killing me.
  8. Sir better get this job because not he been waiting 10 f*cking years!!! I hope y’all not waiting 10 years for a promotion!
  9. And of course, he didn’t get it! As if that was a shocker!
  10. Not reporting to him!!!! Sir quit! Please quit!
  11. Sis going to a job soaking wet? Poor ting.
  12. Meanwhile, here she go apologizing for being two minutes late!! I remember those days.
  13. Ughhh I hate seeing Black folks work for white ppl. Especially childcare because … yeah, you get it.
  14. Did she just say she ah forward thinker, ’cause she hired colored folk? And now you see why my feelings were correct? Ugh!
  15. At least this girl have a decent accent!!
  16. Oohhh fish soup! And of course, them ungrateful children ain’t like it.
  17. Not she crying and saying she fine. But sis … you’re … crying.
  18. Of course, his name is Delroy. Hilarious! Typical Caribbean name.
  19. Not sis a fast girl. Why would they say that!!
  20. Not they dancing to THIS like that!
  21. She really convinced sis to pursue her dream … to kill her? In Scotland? Lawd! I hope not! Cause if so, that’s WILD AF!
  22. Wait, did sis kill her and take her name???
  23. Them and they damn evaporated milk!
  24. But wait … what???
  25. Not where I saw this going!!
  26. Wait, they really found out she used her mother’s name overseas? Are they stalking her? Like how!!
  27. Not this man complaining he needed a friend like this whole thing not his damn fault! Sir please! Mi ah beg yuh, stop it! If yuh did have some sense, this wouldn’t have happened.
  28. She hasn’t been able to swim since she left? Poor tink tink.
  29. Y’all, not Jimmy been asking for her! Sir WTF for!!!
  30. Not he got into gambling as a kid and was praised for it! See … this is how bad men are raised! It starts with their mothers! Always.
  31. Awwww, that’s how he met her mom?
  32. Not his mama was right there while he was flirting! Him tink him cute, nuh.
  33. Why did they need to rewind and show us this part? Of course, she’s 16!!!
  34. We already know he wanted to marry her why did they need to remind us he’s disgusting?! What was the reason!!? Y’all think I just up and forgot that little part?! NO!
  35. Oh sh*t … THAT’S who poisoned him? Unno ah bad man! But him smart.
  36. Not he gon drown himself?! Sir please, stop the dramatics, before I say bad words! This is YOUR fault. Please!
  37. Wait how did they switch them??? The names?
  38. This episode wasn’t as exciting as the first, but let’s see what happens next.

So yeah, that’s it for this week!

But I’ll be back to recap episode 3 because I need to know what happens next!

P.s – This series was inspired by the book written by Charmaine Wilkerson, and you know they say the book is always better! So if you wanna read “Black Cake” before watching the series, grab it here.

All episodes of “Black Cake” are now streaming on Hulu.

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