Thanks to Warner Bros, I got to watch the new Godzilla Vs Kong movie a few days early. (Which I absolutely loved by the way!) While watching the Godzilla Vs Kong movie, I couldn’t help but notice these quotes. These quotes are my absolute fave so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
P.s – Click here for a full review of Godzilla Vs Kong.
Here Are The Best Quotes From The New Godzilla Vs Kong Movie

“This is hand sanitizer that I made from my own garden it’s really amazing.”
“I don’t want you to help, I want you to stay safe.”
“How do you know?”
“Because creatures, like people, can change.”
“They’ll do the job. You just gotta do yours!”
“My mission, my wheel.”
“If you buy a live fish I’ll give you his address too.”
“But she does the thinking for both of you, so you should be alright.”
“Then dump him! Dump the monkey.”
“How about we throw you off instead huh?”
“How deep does this go Bernie?”
“Hell! Goes to hell.”
“Well if there’s a corporate friendly term for sacrifice pit, we are in it.”
“You know if this wasn’t contributing to world destruction this would be a great DJ booth.”
“Godzilla had left us in peace. You provoked him into war!”
“I don’t know! I’m not used to this. I’m used to pirating movies online.”
“That’s your solution? I gotta die in here with you AND SOBER?!”
“Hi um, it was Madison’s idea!”
“Shut up Josh.”
Are any of these quotes above your favorite? Did I miss a good one that you loved?
If so, leave your favorite quotes in the comments below!
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